LittleSecrets 1.9.5
- Anpassungen an neueste macOS Versionen (Sonoma).
- Nativer Code für Intel und Apple Silicon.
- Fehlerbehebungen & Verbesserungen.
LittleSecrets 1.9.4
- Absturz bei Drag & Drop behoben.
LittleSecrets 1.9.3
- Dunkelmodus deaktiviert, um die Lesbarkeit sicherzustellen.
- Absturz bei der Versionsüberprüfung behoben.
LittleSecrets 1.9.2
- Auf macOS Catalina (10.15) vorbereitet.
- Mindest-Systemanforderung ist jetzt Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion).
- Einsatz neuester Entwicklungs-Tools und Techniken; diverse interne Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen.
- Von Apple beglaubigt („Notarized“).
LittleSecrets 1.9.1
- Shareware-Warning erscheint jetzt nicht mehr während man gerade den Lizenz-Code eingibt.
- Falschen Status einiger Menüpunkte in bestimmen Situationen behoben.
- HockeyApp Crash-Reporter integriert.
- Mindest-Systemanforderung auf Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) angehoben.
- Sicher noch mehr Kleinigkeiten.
LittleSecrets 1.9
- WICHTIG: LittleSecrets V1.9 läuft nicht mehr auf PPC Macs, weil die neuesten Entwickler-Werkzeuge keinen PowerPC Code mehr generieren können. Bitte benutzen Sie weiterhin LittleSecrets V1.8, falls Sie noch einen PPC Mac besitzen.
- LittleSecrets ist jetzt eine a 64/32-Bit Applikation.
- Die App ist jetzt mit meiner verifizierten Entwickler-ID signiert, so dass LittleSecrets jetzt auf aktuellen OS X Systemen mit strengeren Standard-Sicherheitseinstellungen gestartet werden kann.
- Problem behoben, dass unter Umständen aktuell angezeigte Texte vorübergehend teilweise sichtbar bleiben konnten, wenn das Dokument gesperrt wurde. Dies passierte nur äußerst selten.
- Weitere kleinere Optimierungen.
LittleSecrets 1.8
- Notwendige Anpassungen für Lion (OS X 10.7) durchgeführt.
- Tastaturkürzel zum schnellen Anspringen des Suchen-Feldes eingebaut (Alt+Cmd+F).
- Wechsel via Tabulator-Taste von der Liste zum Inhalt verbessert.
- Schnellauswahl von Einträgen durch Eingabe der Anfangsbuchstaben funktioniert nun auch bei tieferen Hierarchiestufen.
- Weitere Optimierungen.
LittleSecrets 1.7.1
- Leopard compatibility update (Mac OS X 10.5).
LittleSecrets 1.7
- Universal: LittleSecrets runs natively at full speed on Intel Macs.
- Improvements and Bugfixes: Fixed some drawing glitches, handling of the tabulator key and detection of e-mail addresses in the text and other issues.
LittleSecrets 1.6
- Date/Time: Added menu entries to insert the current date and/or time.
- Preferences dialog: The preferences dialog has been cleaned up.
- Menu: The menus of LittleSecrets have been cleaned up and reorganized to be conform to the actual human interface guidelines from Apple.
- Localizations: Added Dutch localization to LittleSecrets.
- Update-Check: The automatic version check does not block the user interface of LittleSecrets anymore.
- Bugfix: A crashing bug that occured in rare cases when trying to customize the toolbar has been fixed.
- Other minor changes and bugfixes.
LittleSecrets 1.5.3
- Bugfix: Finally fixed some other minor owner and permission bugs which sometimes caused that LittleSecrets could only be launched by the user that installed it.
LittleSecrets 1.5.2
- Bugfix: Fixed a small permission bug which caused that LittleSecrets could only be launched by the user that installed it.
LittleSecrets 1.5.1
- Speed improvements: Much faster handling of large texts when clickable links are activated.
- Many bugfixes and enhancements: Fixed redraw bugs, improved searching from toolbar etc.
LittleSecrets 1.5
- Image- and File Support: Images and other files can now be embedded into LittleSecrets notes.
- Import/Export: Contents can be imported and exported in various formats, e.g. as RTFD or XML.
- Import of Text Files: With a special import feature for database text files, contents from any other application that supports text export can be imported into LittleSecrets.
- Compressed Documents: LittleSecrets documents are now compressed with the zlib algorithm before they are encrypted when saving them.
- Multiple Selection: Now more than one entry can be selected at a time. This is useful e.g. for drag&drop, exporting or printing.
- Drag&Drop: Better drag&drop support, so you can copy entries between documents or import files into LittleSecrets.
- More Languages: Added Spanish and Swedish localization.
- Duplicate: A copy of entries can be made with the new “Duplicate” menu entry.
- No more blocking: When LittleSecrets has sheets open it no more blocks quit, logout or shutdown process.
- Services: LittleSecrets offers useful entries in the Services menu.
- Focus Ring: The search field in the toolbar now has a nice blue focus ring.
- Automatic Locking: The countdown for the automatic locking now displays in the info line beneath a small lock icon.
- Disclosure State: Better conserving of the open/closed state of folders.
- Bugfixes and Enhancements: A few more bugfixes and enhancements were made.
LittleSecrets 1.4.2
- New application and document icons.
- Fixed scrolling bug: the window now scrolls automatically again while typing.
- Document files can have the shorter extension “.ltts” instead of “.littlesecrets”.
LittleSecrets 1.4.1
- Changes and corrections in the French localization.
- Minor bug fixes.
LittleSecrets 1.4
- Locking: Documents can be locked with a new toolbar icon. They also can be automatically locked when they are not used for a specific amount of time.
- More Comfort: Documents can be saved automatically. LittleSecrets optionally quits when last document is closed.
- Default Font: The default font for plain text or new entries can be set.
- Security: When disabling the Mac OS Keychain, all LittleSecrets passwords can be deleted out of the Keychain.
- Select None: New menu entry for quick deselection, e.g. useful for printing the whole document.
- Clear Search: The search item in the toolbar has a button to clear any entered search text.
- Version Check: From now on you are automatically informed when a new version of LittleSecrets is available.
- Miscellaneous: Fixed a bug that causes wrong window positioning sometimes. Other little improvements and bug fixes.
LittleSecrets 1.3.1
- Localization: LittleSecrets now has a Japanese version integrated.
LittleSecrets 1.3
- Clickable URLs: Every URL is recognized automatically and displayed as clickable link (requires Mac OS X 10.2 or later).
- Much improved Printing: You can print single entries, a folder with all subfolders and its entries or the whole document. The “Page Setup...” settings like scaling and paper size are considered correctly and saved within each document.
- Free Sorting: The list can be sorted in ascending or descending order – or even unsorted for completly free ordering.
- Easier Searching: Search from the Toolbar starts automatically - no need to hit Enter anymore.
- Tabulators: The behaviour of the TAB key is configurable now.
- Plain Text: Text can be pasted as plain text (without text style attributes) from the clipboard.
- Smarter: General improved appearance like decent striped list background or rounded search field in the toolbar.
- Languages: Littlesecrets now includes italian language besides english, german and french.
- Miscellaneous: Other little improvements and bug fixes.
LittleSecrets 1.2
LittleSecrets 1.1
LittleSecrets 1.0